Apply for AVMS’ Public Art Fund
Allston Village Main Streets is proud to announce the creation of the Allston Public Art Fund, which will fund Allston public art projects up to $3,000. Applications for the Public Art Fund will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Artists who qualify will fill out the public art fund RFP form and attach a project proposal, budget, timeline and conceptual design/program schedule.
Certain public art projects will need approval from the City of Boston. AVMS can work with artists on this process if needed.
Selections will be made by AVMS’ Neighborhood Beautification Committee.
Artists will be notified if and when they are selected, and asked for additional plans for implementation of their projects.
This grant fund is only intended for public art projects that are either publicly located in Allston, or that provide a free benefit to residents, workers, and stakeholders of Allston.
Artists must be a resident of the Greater Boston area and must be at least 18 years of age.
Artists who live or who have lived in Allston will be given priority.
Project Award:
Approved artists will be asked to present their projects to AVMS’ board of directors for final approval of project and budget. Artists will then receive requested funds in 2 segments, 50% deposit before the project begins, and 50% upon completion.
Please contact Alex Cornacchini at alex@allstonvillage.com with any questions.
Please download and fill out the above application and send back via email to mainstreets@allstonvillage.com if you wish to apply for the public art grant fund.